

The Sentinel Dome and Taft Point Hikes
These two very short hikes are spectacular in the extreme.  Reach them from Glacier Point Road.  See Below.

Near Taft Point.  

OK; this is NOT for the kids.  If you have a fear of heights, this will not be your hike.  


Taft Point.  It's hard to see, but there is a rail at the point.  There are many similar points, and this is the only rail.  BE CAREFUL!!  

Notice El Capitan to the right of the cliff, in the center of the photo.  Taft Point towers ABOVE the top of El Capitan.


Another of the outcroppings in the Taft Point area.  BE CAREFUL!!  Not for the squeamish.






Bob Larsen on top of Sentinel Dome.  Notice Half Dome on the right.


A tree grows sideways on top of Sentinel Dome.  The wind is relentless here.

This is actually an old photo; this tree died several years ago and finally fell in 2004 and is now simply lying on a rock.




Map of the hike to Taft Point and what you can see of the valley floor.
(15' topo map)


Taft Point trail elevation profile.

7' topo map of the trail itself. It's an easy hike either direction.  

Elevation gain profile.

Don't let the profile scare you; it looks steeper than it is.  Notice only a 300 foot gain in altitude in 1 mile.  Not bad.